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Paolo Manzoni icon expert
Few things are certain in life. Unfortunately, one of them is your infant having gut pain in the first weeks of life–otherwise known as colic. All those who are (or have been) happy parents of a wonderful newborn know that gastrointestinal colic (translation: frequent crying, fussing, and irritability) are almost unavoidable during the first 2-3 months of life. So, how can we cope with colic? Infantile colic has a number of causes, like constipation or slow-moving gas. But while they're inevitable, they don't have to be long-lasting. Colic is destined to resolve over time (usually within 3 months of age), but there are still things that you can do to ease the pain: Get empowered in managing colic by using simple actions, like massaging your infant when they're crying or “burping” after the end of a meal. Provide probiotics. These beneficial microorganisms are actually abundant in human breast milk and deliver a number of functions, including stool softening, increased bowel movement, and the establishment of a healthy gut! Several well-designed and reliable studies support that probiotics (like L.reuterii) are a safe and potentially beneficial option for the management of colic, especially when human fresh milk is not available.
3 years ago
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