
Mia Funt

Mia Funt


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First avocado experiment
I love this video of my Neve trying avocado for the first time. In just one sitting she goes from dislike to like. Reminds me that everything new just takes some getting used to!
Mid feeding convos
Those first few months I felt like I was constantly feeding and nothing else. It felt so exhausting. But I'm grateful for those few minutes right after feeding that felt rewarding when Rafa seemed calm and happy and satiated - and when he was a few months old I even got a smile which felt like success. This video may seem like a one way convo but to me it felt like a really satisfying vibrant convo with the little guy.
Introducing and celebrating new foods
I recommend a "choose your own adventure" approach to introducing new foods. Set up a buffet and let them choose and then celebrate their choices!

Best advice for introducing big sis to our new baby
I was so nervous about my older daughter feeling jealous of her new little brother. I had heard horror stories. Then my pediatrician gave me the best advice. He said don't let the first introduction be her walking in on you hanging out with the baby because she'll feel replaced. He said whenever Neve visits the hospital or meets the baby for the first time, have her see her parents alone first and then go with one of her parents to pick up the baby from the hospital nursery or somewhere else. It made all the difference. Neve felt like our helper in introducing our new baby to the world. She felt like part of the team not an outsider who had been replaced. She even thanked the nurses in the hospital for her baby.

Older sis is the music teacher
I'm all about giving my older one tasks to help out with the baby. She is part of our schedule - she's the music / dance teacher! Makes her feel good and everyone wins.