Wife, Mom of 3 & Pharmacist
Brittney Fusilier

Wife, Mom of 3 & Pharmacist
Brittney Fusilier


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How Do You Get "Me Time"?
As a mom of three, I've got to get a bit creative when it comes to "me time" and practicing self-care. From telling my toddlers to stop arguing every other minute, to changing my newborn's diapers (on top of nursing every few hours), the world certainly doesn't stop just because I need a moment to myself. But, I've realized that it's okay to send my husband on a car ride with ALL of the kids just for me to get 15 minutes of alone time with a glass of wine. I used to have mom guilt, but let me tell you something - having a moment to yourself is OK! I've also mastered getting ALL of the kids down at nap time and it's when I get the most work done around the house. So tell me, how are you getting that mommy me time these days?
How I'm Setting the Sched for Baby #3
As I begin to shift gears a beat and transition into the newborn baby phase, I can’t help but think, “This time, I’m going to get it right!” With my first two, they pretty much ran the show. Slept when they wanted to and where they wanted to, which was anywhere BUT their crib. So, third times a charm and I’m going to try my best to get it right. Here’s how I am planning to set my schedule for baby #3: Feeding Sched: During the first couple of weeks, baby typically feeds every 2-3 hours and sleeps in between. There are quite a few feeding apps that will help keep me on track: Baby Tracker-Newborn Log and Baby Feed Timer are my top two! Storage and Pumping: So, I typically begin pumping around week 2 to start building up my stash right away. I typically nurse baby on each side for 15 minutes each (until they are more efficient), then pump until empty. I use the Lansinoh Milk Storage Bags and empty the pumped milk into them. I lay them flat in a freezer storage container to maximize space. Sleep Training: This is the part I’ve failed at miserably. I do pretty well during baby’s bassinet days. It’s super convenient to nurse/feed baby next to bed, then put baby back in the bassinet. It’s when it is time to transition from bassinet to crib that gets me. So, this time, I am focusing on when baby outgrows the bassinet at about 4-6 months, that I will place baby in crib and will tough it out. It is important to note that sleep training doesn’t have to necessarily mean lots of tears. It is essentially just teaching your baby how to self-sooth and fall asleep on their own. We will be using the Ferber method or the “check-and-console” which involves allowing your baby to cry for a set period of time before you check on him/her. These time intervals of crying get longer by a few minutes with each interval until she falls asleep. The idea is that these comfort check-ins no longer exist because baby has learned to self-soothe. I’ve got the plan down, now it’s time to enforce! Here’s to a baby that stays on sched!