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Mauri Berman
Mom of 2 who works
2 years ago
Jennifer P
APRN mother of 2
Same thing happened with my son. I stopped BH after 2 weeks of using it and switched to enfamil sensitive with much much improvement
2 years ago
Rona Rubin
Mom of 2
I’m in day 6 and my LO poop is mucusy and green. She appears to be very uncomfortable. I came here for this exact reason to find out if anyone has experienced this. It’s definitely green seedy diarrhea. I’m breastfeeding and formula supplementing. I guess that explains the seedy but she is noticeably uncomfortable when feeding. She has a poop explosion 6 or 7 times in a day. Now horrible diaper rash. Ugh… I’m going to stick with it another can and see if it just takes time getting used to it. Anyone else experience more spit up and more gas?
2 years ago
Rachel S
Ours has been on it for 2 weeks and it's super watery and green. Never breastfed so idk if it's similar to breast fed poop or not. Would love a the company to give insight.
2 years ago
Noemi Sandoval
First time mom
has your babys poop changed in the last six days since you made this initial post?
2 years ago
Noemi Sandoval
First time mom
hello! we are on day 2 of being completely on byheart, and his poop is very runny/liquidy too! on his previous formula is was dark green and it has now turned yellow. He goes about 2-3times a day. He seems to be happy with it, so I just make sure to put a barrier cream and change him quickly to not cause skin irritation. I want to give it more time to see if his poops change to a thicker consistency.
2 years ago
Julie Haecker
Working mom, pilot wife
My LO's is also runny but the color is more like her breastmilk poops. This is the first time we have tried this formula so I wasn't sure if this was'normal' or not. She is also pooping ALOT more than she was before. AGain, not sure if it is this formula or the switch from Similac 360 Sensitive.
2 years ago
Austin Hann
Literally came here to see if anyone else was experiencing this. We switched 6 days ago from neuropro gentlease and LO would poop every other day and it’d be green and pretty thick. Now it's every day mustard yellow and runny. Not sure if this is just from switching formulas and I need to give it more time or what. I wonder if it’s because ByHeart is closer to breast milk and this is what breast milk poop looks like..
2 years ago
Mary-Thib -image
Mary Thib
Mom of boys
My LO poop isn’t runny, but I do find it is dark in color. Almost black. I don’t know if that is normal with this formula or if I need to call his doctor
2 years ago
Mauri Berman
Mom of 2 who works
Mine is a dark green almost black too.
2 years ago